Hike in San Diego County, California

This web page will no longer be maintained, although it will remain up indefinitely.

The hike announcements will now be posted only on the San Diego Day Hikers group on Meetup.com. Other hike materials, such as the archived photographs, will be moved to that website, a little at a time.

You can access that group at Meetup.com/sandiegodayhikers.

I strongly suggest that you sign up for meetup.com and join the San Diego Day Hikers group. There are no fees for either meetup.com or San Diego Day Hikers. Then log in before checking the hike announcement. Some items in the announcement, such as telephone numbers and E-mail addresses, are redacted if you view the site without logging in.

There is also a free smartphone app for meetup.com. The Android version can be downloaded through the "Play Store" app.

-- Philip J. Erdelsky

Photographs from previous hikes.

Rehydration drink.

Topographic maps from previous hikes, when available, will be archived on the Maps page.

Scanned topographic maps for San Diego, Orange, Imperial and Riverside Counties are available on CD-ROM by request, or by visiting www.efghmaps.com. These are public domain images in GIF format with no restrictions on use. E-mail the Webmaster for details.

Aerial photographs, which are sometimes helpful to hikers, can be downloaded from Microsoft Research Maps (formerly TerraServer 6.0).

A great deal of information about the Fallbrook area, including a list of hikes in the area, is available on Tom Chester's Web site at www.tchester.org.

A good general guide to hiking is available at walking-canes.net/walkjogrun.html.


  1. These hikes have been held monthly (with a very few cancellations due to weather or other reasons) since January 10, 1987. I have been leading the hikes since March 1993.
  2. Each hike is usually held on the last Saturday of the month. However, the hike is occasionally moved to another Saturday to avoid conflicts.
  3. Although each hike is listed on the Web site of the San Diego Libertarian Party, it is not a Libertarian Party event. Independents and members of other political parties are welcome.
  4. These hikes are recreational, not athletic.
  5. We hike only on established trails, mostly in parks, national forests, and nature preserves.
  6. Minors may participate only with the permission of a parent or legal guardian. Most of the hikes are not suitable for small children.
  7. No reservation or prior notice is required. If you want to hike, just show up at the trailhead on time.

-- Philip J. Erdelsky