Konstantine Joseph Mihaly Erdelsky 1837-1914

by Philip John Erdelsky, his great-grandson

Konstantine Joseph Mihaly Erdelsky, a Lutheran minister and teacher, lived in various places in what is now Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

He married twice.

His first marriage produced a son Constantine Joseph Erdelsky (1870-1942), who migrated to the United States and became the ancestor of all Erdelskys currently living in the United States.

His second marriage produced three children, all of whom are now dead:

Most of what is known about Konstantine Joseph Mihaly Erdelsky comes from this obituary originally published in High Hungarian and translated to English:

Erdélyszky Mihály / Michael Erdelsky

ágostai evangelikus hitoktató
1837 - 1914


Közvetlenül kapuzárás elött junius 12-én, fejezte be csendes munkásságban, jámborságban eltelt életét Erdélyszky Mihály ág. evang. lelkész, reáliskolánknak kerek 30 éven át volt ág. ev. hitoktatója. Lelkészi s hitoktatói müködését egyaránt a lelkiismeretesség, kötelességtudás, türelmesség és szeretet jellemzik. Vallásos érzülete mély volt s öszinte, ilyen érzületet plántált tanitványai lelkébe is, kiket igazi atyai szeretettel vezetett be egyháza tanaiba s kiknek sorsa iránt soha sem szünt meg érdeklödni. Ilyenkor a tanév végén nyilatkozott meg a maga valójában meleg szíve, amikor még leggyengébbek védelmére is volt egy-két mentegetö szava.

1837-ben született Karajon, körjegyzö családból. Középiskolai tanulmányait Morodon és Selmecbányán, a teologiát Sopronban és Pozsonyban végezte, itt szentelték pappá is 1863 ban. Kosztoinán és Szarvason segédlelkészkedett, majd 1866-ban a vágiujhelyi lelkészi állást foglalta el. 1884 óta végezte az ágostai evangelikus hitoktatást intézetünkben. Temetésén köszégünk s környekünk lakósságának szine-java részt vett, ott voltunk mi is, a tanári testület s ifjúság, hogy a puritán jellemü, derék lelkipásztort utolsó útjára kisérjük. Saját szavai vigaszt nyujthatnak nekünk: "Milyen bölcs az isteni gondviselés -- mondá alig néhány nappal halála elött, -- hogy akkor küldi a halált, amikor ez oly megnyugtató, mikor ez ránk nézve a megváltást jelenti."

Áldott legyen emléke!

He died June 12, 1914. (It is believed this was right before school ended.) He was a Lutheran minister, who was teaching at a high school. This gentleman taught for over 30 years as a religious minister. He led a pious life. His activities as a minister were characterized by love, patience, and conscientiousness. This religious feeling was deep and true, and he was planting this kind of feeling in to his students, whom he was leading in to the knowledge of religion with fatherly love. He was showing deep interest about his students' fate. At the end of the school year he opened his heart and showed deep interest, and also had a few kind words to everybody.

He was born in 1837 at Karaj, coming from a notary public family. He finished his high school (secondary) at Modor and Selmecbanya. He studied theology at Sopron and Pozsony (best Lutheran school) where he was ordained in 1863. He was assistant minister at Kosztolna and Szarvas. After that in 1866 he became minister at Vagujhely. He had been teaching in the high school since 1884 as a Lutheran religious instructor. At his funeral all of the best in the community and of the neighborhood attended. We were there, too, the teachers and student body, that we should accompany the honest puritan minister on his last journey. His own words should give us comfort, "How wise is the Heavenly Providence, that it sends death at that time, and this is so reassuring that the death will free us from suffering." (He said this a few days before he died.)

His memory should be blessed!

A scanned copy of a funeral announcement has recently been supplied by his grandson Ivan Michal Erdelsky.

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